Phil Edelstein


Phil Edelstein is a founding member of Composers Inside Electronics.  He has collaborated on the Rainforest IV project since its inception in 1973 and the evolution of the automated installation version Rainforest V.  His work involves compositions, software, and sound installations for architectural spaces, focused sound fields and electronic imagery.   Recent works have used fractals and data mining as compositional tools for construction of sound fields in work such as Fractology, the Chaos patches. For Impulsion, synthetic and encoded reverberant spaces are folded upon themselves and acoustically rendered.

He co-founded Electronic Body Arts (EBA) a collaboration between choreography, music and engineering and was one of the founding partners for Gilbert International, a software consultancy specializing in data communications systems and products. 

His work is available on Edition Block/Gramavision “Rainforest IV” and Orange Mountain Music’s “Composers Inside Electronics” – from the Kitchen Archives No. 4.

He has received support from the NYSCA, SUNY Research Foundation, WNET-TV Lab and the Experimental Television Center.

His solo work Terrain has been performed for Cunningham Dance Company event, at the Experimental Intermedia Foundation, Koprod, Harvestworks and other venues.  He work has been characterized by collaborations primarily with David Tudor, Rainforest IV and CIE with other significant works in video with Tom DeWitt Ditto (Pantomation, parts of Cathode Ray Theater), with Andres Bosshard/Koprod and Nachtluft, with Cynthia Black on Papermusic and Marsha Harris on Shrieks and Nuptials.

The latest automated Rainforest with Matt Rogalsky and John Driscoll was at Governors Island in NY for the NY Electronic Arts Festival and at the Laboratorio Arte Almeda in Mexico City as part of the Radar Festival. His recent solo work has involved the use of fractal time series as found in live seismographic feeds, financial data and iterative feedback functions.  He is working on cybernetic servo systems and control for ultrasonic instruments with and for John Driscoll.  The ongoing work with CIE includes adaptive installation automation and integration of virtual resonant objects.